Dr. Mithun King Manohar
Dr. Mithun King Manohar
BDS, M.Sc, PgDip (Clin Research), PgDip (Medical Law), MAS, M.Dent (Ortho), FRCDC
Dr. Mithun King Manohar, hailing from Dindigul, India, currently lives in Virginia. He completed his Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Master of Science in Dentistry in India. For over six years, he has gained extensive experience collaborating with orthodontists and surgeons specializing in treating Cleft and craniofacial patients. Besides his private practice, he has also participated in academia by teaching dental students in India. Subsequently, he undertook specialty training in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at the University of Manitoba to become certified as an Orthodontist in North America, earning a Master of Dentistry degree under the guidance of Dr. William Wiltshire.
Dr. Manohar has extensive experience and demonstrates a caring attitude towards his young patients. His enthusiasm for treating children shines through in his warm and approachable nature, ensuring that dental appointments are enjoyable for all. He is passionate about the idea that empowering patients through education and fostering a deep understanding is essential for achieving successful treatment outcomes. In his free time, Dr. Manohar likes to travel, discover the great outdoors, paint, cook, and enjoy moments with his friends and family!
Dr. Manohar is a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada (RCDC) and an active member of the American Dental Association.
(ADA), Virginia Dental Association (VDA), American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), European Orthodontic Society (EOS), Canadian Association of Orthodontists (CAO), World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) and International Association of Dental Oral and Craniofacial Research (IADR).